7 Home Remedies for Insomnia Without Medication
1: Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation involves slow, steady breathing while sitting quietly. You observe your breath, your body, your thoughts, your feelings as they arise and pass.
Mindfulness meditation has many health benefits that go hand-in-hand with a healthy lifestyle that promotes good sleep. Said to reduce stress, improve focus, and boost immunity, researchers have found that meditation significantly improves insomnia and overall sleep patterns. Participants attend weekly meditation classes, one-day retreats, and practice at home over a period of several months, where you can meditate however you want. If you don't have time for a longer workout, do it for 15 minutes in the morning or evening. Consider joining a meditation group once a week to stay motivated. You can also choose to do online guided meditation, which is safe to practice but has the potential to elicit strong emotions. Stop practicing if you think this is causing further anxiety or turmoil.
2: Massage
Massage therapy can benefit insomniacs by relaxing the body and improving sleep quality. It can also relieve pain, reduce anxiety and depression. You can try self-massage or make simple massage adjustments through home massage equipment. When you are in the process of massaging, focus on the feeling of touch and relax your whole body.
3. Get Regular Exercise
Regular exercise can improve your fitness and even help you sleep. A trial by the European Association for Sleep Research found that exercising for 150 minutes a week significantly improved insomnia symptoms and reduced episodes of depression and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on sleep.
NSF recommends low-impact exercise, such as yoga indoors. Go for a walk, jog, or swim outside. For maximum sleep benefits, stick to 20 minutes of exercise each day, and whenever possible, schedule your workouts in the morning or afternoon rather than evening. Exercising at night will cause the body temperature to rise during sleep time and then drop, affecting sleep.
4. Have a Bedtime Snack
You should eat a meal two or three hours before bedtime. Try some bedtime snack (milk and biscuits) about 30 minutes before bedtime. Eating sugary foods can actually make sleeping easier and act as a tranquilizer, keeping the brain Ease into a blissful sleep state. This way you wake up without the morning giddiness you get with synthetic sleeping pills. Drinking a glass of milk, especially a glass of warm milk, before going to bed is an ancient remedy for sleep disorders. Try adding 1 tablespoon of honey to some caffeine-free herbal tea, or even to your warm milk for a relaxing nightcap, which seems to be more effective at relaxing.
5. Good Sleep Habits
Simply put, the quality of sleep habits also affects the quality of sleep. Good sleep habits may help improve a person's chances of getting consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
People can increase the likelihood of a good sleeping environment by:
Start by making sure your pillows, mattress, and duvet cover are comfortable. Choose a consistent bedtime and sleep routine so your body clock stays in place, going to bed at the same time at night and waking up at the same time in the morning. Also avoid using cell phones and watching TV an hour before bedtime. Also dim the room, or use earplugs and an eye mask to keep the bedroom dark and quiet.
6. Keep a Normal Sleep Schedule
Perhaps most important for insomniacs is maintaining a regular sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends. If you can't sleep one night, get up at your usual time the next morning and don't take a nap. If you take a nap, it will be harder for you to fall asleep the next night, which can exacerbate your insomnia. It's best to get yourself a good night's sleep so that it's easier to fall asleep the next night.
7. Treating Insomnia with CES Sleep Aid Device
Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) is the FDA recognized generic category for medical devices using microcurrent levels of electrical stimulation applied across the head via transcutaneous electrodes for the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Ear clip electrodes, moistened with an appropriate conducting solution, are applied for 20 minutes to an hour or more on an initial daily basis for a week or two, followed by a reduced schedule of 2 or 3 treatments a week until the insomnia is resolved, and then further reduced to an as-needed (p.r.n.) basis.
CES stimulates the brain to produce serotonin while lowering cortisol (the stress hormone).gently stimulate the brain to produce serotonin and other neurochemicals responsible for healthy mood and sleep.Enables the brain to produce serotonin naturally while improving the brain's ability.to regulate the limbic system. Proven in multiple published studies, the device is cleared by the FDA to treat. Depression, anxiety and insomnia, as well as chronic pain when used on the body.
The Best Sleep Aid Device for Insomnia:
ATANG CES Sleep Aid Device for Insomnia Depression and Anxiety
ATANG Gen.2 CES Sleep Aid Device for Insomnia and Anxiety Relief